Source Transformation focuses on resolving the core of a problem, physical complaint, or undesired behavior. Most of the time one is unaware of the cause of these limitations. As a child and maybe even before birth, beneficial patterns are developed for the child’s survival. In daily life, these same patterns, that we don’t need anymore as adults, can be triggered. These patterns play out in unwanted emotions, behaviors, and/or physical complaints that limit us. In Source Transformation sessions you will become aware of these limiting patterns. You will also discover where, when and how these survival patterns were created. Once the source of the problem or limitation is found, transformation is easily accomplished. This transformation changes the way you experience your current situation and resolves the problem with tangible results in your daily life. It’s not the circumstances in your life that create problems, but the thoughts and emotions that you have created about the situation. When you change your thoughts, you will change your life. Source Transformation helps change the thoughts you created and that are locked into your program. Source Transformation produces immediate and permanent results.


“Nine years ago my husband had to quit his job as a Principal because of a second burnout. A professional psychologist told him that it would take a lifetime before he would get over it.

Five years ago we happened to meet Liesbeth van Lier. She managed to heal my husband in a series of 6 sessions together with supplements and vitamins.

Three years ago we decided to immigrate to South Africa. I was afraid of leaving everything and everybody behind. Through meditation and healing sessions by Liesbeth, I managed to let things go.

We now enjoy our life very much in South Africa without any physical or mental problems, thanks to Liesbeth van Lier!”

S. v.d. S.-H., S-Africa


“I was blessed to meet Liesbeth about three years ago. She is a very kind and caring person and I feel my life has been blessed to have had her in it. I was saddened to find that she was moving.  I very much hope she can find a place to be of service to mankind, as I know that is her heart’s desire. I know that she is able to help people get in touch with their feeling and own them.  And help them to find a way to love themselves.”

M. K.