Intro talk with Q & A:
“Bitcoin & cryptocurrency. What the bleep is that?”
Introduction to cryptocurrency.
There is a lot in the news about Bitcoin. Banks, government, billionaires, hedge funds, and big companies are all going into Bitcoin.
In the first 3 months of the Covid madness, the adoption of Bitcoin doubled.
People are starting to catch on.
A lot of people think Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are complicated, technical, and difficult to use and understand. It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s like your tv. You don’t need to know how it works. You just want to know how to use your remote.
It is expected that Bitcoin may replace the dollar as a world currency.
If you are curious or have questions join us for this life online video conference call. It could be life-changing.
After this talk you can make a informed decision if you want to invest in cryptos and how they can work for you in your life.

During the workshop, you will learn:
- · what are cryptos.
- · how does it work.
- · how anonymous are cryptos and how to keep them private.
- · to understand cryptos to be confident enough to buy them.
- · how to set up a wallet and know how to use the wallet.
- · how to secure your cryptos.
- · where and how to buy and sell Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
- · how to send and receive Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
- · how you can spend Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

A lot of people think that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are private, but nothing is further from the truth.
This is a very interesting and exciting workshop. It is for people who already have a wallet set up and bought Bitcoin and/or cryptocurrencies with a bank account, credit card, ID, phone number, email, fingerprint, etc., or think this might happen in the future. This made your cryptocurrencies trackable.
This is a very interesting and exciting workshop. It is for people who already have a wallet set up and bought Bitcoin and/or cryptocurrencies with a bank account, credit card, ID, phone number, email, fingerprint, etc., or think this might happen in the future. This made your cryptocurrencies trackable.
This workshop teaches you how to bring these cryptocurrencies back into privacy.
During the workshop, you will learn:
- protocol how to bring your cryptos back to privacy and cloak your coins.
- protocol how to buy crypto private.
- privacy coins.
- you get a tip on a new crypto.
- how to buy and sell on an exchange.
- extend knowledge of the wallet you already have.
- how does the blockchain work.
- shows you in detail why cryptos are not private.
- learn about a handy app.
- of course you can ask all your questions that you have since your last workshop